Saturday 18 April 2009

Things that did not happen

This is the biggest NOTHING day so far. Nothing happened today. And many things did not happen. For example I did not meet a friend for a morning coffee. Which is a pity because I was looking forward to it. I still cannot talk, so we rescheduled for the next week. I did not have a lunch with another friend. Which is a pity, because he has a very busy schedule and it can take weeks before we can have a new appointment.

I did not go out for groceries. Which is a pity, because I really need fresh vegetables and fruits. I need vitamins to get better, but have no energy to go out an get vitamins. I’ll have to do it tomorrow, otherwise I really have nothing to eat next week. There is always a lot of food in my house. When I say I need groceries, it means I can actually easily survive without for another week or even two. But now I really have to go to the supermarket.

I did not go to a salsa lesson today. Which is a pity because I really like to dance, and because I was just getting to know people in my group and it’s fun. I don’t want to miss any lessons, so I will do my best to go on Sunday. It’s in café Havana which is very nice because it feels less like a lesson and more like dancing. They have a very slippery floor though, so I have to see whether I have appropriate shoes for that.

I did not talk to someone I hoped to talk to. (When I say ‘talk’ I actually mean chat. I cannot talk now anyway.) Which is a pity, because I really needed that talk. I have written a long letter instead, I hope I am not annoying. And I hope tomorrow will be better. Instead I talked to three other people. Using three different programs – gmail chat, MSN and Skype. That’s very confusing. I had a very nice somewhat philosophical chat with a friend. We thought it was a pity that we live so far away from each other and cannot have these conversations live. But today it’s actually good, because I can type, but cannot talk.

Trivia: I can accept things easily if I understand them.

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