Two weeks ago I asked you to help me decide
what to do with my hair – let it grow or not. I want to thank the 26 dedicated readers who took a moment to cast their vote. If you know me well enough, you know I will do with my hair what I want. I am not likely to follow any advice in this field. The fact that you knowing that voted anyway makes your vote even more precious. I would like to say special thanks to those four people who voted “No”. I don’t know about your reasons, but to me this sounds like support of my decision to cut my hair short. I am very curious who these people are. I would love to send you a real “Thank you” card. So if you feel like revealing yourself, please do! All five people who love me no matter what (including my mother) – thanks a lot too. I do feel loved and would love to send you a real card too.
For the 17 people who voted “Yes” – thank you very much for voting. Thanks a lot for not sabotaging the poll results and voting seven times from five different computers and three different browsers in four different locations! No real cards for you, but... This may cheer you up – I decided to LET MY HAIR GROW!

By the end of the year my hair will be approximately this long -->
Thanks again, everyone!
I love long I don't get a postcard! I'm very, very, very disappointed!!