A couple of days ago I went to the bank to resolve an issue with my debit card. I had to show my ID and the bank employee pointed out my ID were to expire in a couple of months. What?! I've only got it recently! Well, that was almost five years ago. Time flies. My first Dutch ID-card is about to expire. Which means that it's almost five years ago that I acquired Dutch nationality.
Back home I checked some papers for the exact date. 29 of September 2005. That's when Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands has put her signature on the document stating that I (along with 98 other people) have won "the lottery".

Five years is a figure worth celebrating. And that is exactly what I am going to do - party! September 29 is a Wednesday this year, so celebrations will take place on Saturday, 2 October. Next week I'm going to send out invitations (FB, LinkedIn, e-mail and sms) and then I'll start with preparations. There will be a couple of polls on this blog as well.
Please feel free to invite yourself! Because if you haven't received an invitation from me then it's because I don't have your contact information, think you live too far to come over or I'm not aware about your existence. But you are most welcome! Really! Unless your name is Martin Timmer. Then you're not.
If you would like to come, please don't wait for an invitation and send me an e-mail (mirskykh[at]hotmail[dot]com).
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