I was shopping at Cool Cat today (their super sale). I have a pair of jeans, two belts, a singlet, a shirt and a very-very daring black top. I was looking for something I would be able to wear to one of those salsa evenings I go to. Usually I feel way too conservative when I come there. I needed something that screams for attention. Well, I sure found it! Now I just have to wait for some good warm weather, because the top is definitely not made to keep you warm in the winter. You know what I mean. ;)
I keep on thinking about ways of expressing yourself. I have some ideas. I just need to take time to work them out. Oh yeah, time! Where do I get that?! I know it will be easier if I start. I will try to write on the plane to Kiev and see where it brings me.
Trivia: I got this from Aad today :D

why would you drop the trivia part? Its good to know stuff like when you write your first blog drunk ;)