Saturday, 23 May 2009

Slow start

I didn't have many plans for today so that I could get used to being here. I usually get overloaded with impressions every time I come to Kiev, so I need to take it slow. I ran an errand for my mother and then went to her work to see the pre-auction exhibition and meet the owners of the place whom I know for a long time already. I had to spend about half an hour in the metro, so I took the UK issue of Cosmopolitan (which I bought at the airport yesterday) with me. I was reading it when I noticed that a young man standing in front of me and another one sitting beside me were looking at me with an above average interest. That's when I realised I was reading an article about sex-talk! Apparently young men in Kiev do master English, at least at a certain level. ;)

At the gallery I was overwhelmed with the luxury of high quality art and the air of high quality life. Meeting the guys is always such a pleasure, and I always get such a warm welcome! All three of them were there. Olia always makes time for me (even if it's just one day before the auction!). Dima was there! I haven't seen him in years. And just when I was about to leave, Vitia walked in. He looks like he just stepped out of the cover of a very trendy magazine! Tomorrow I am going to the auction to see people with money buy art. As a general rule in Kiev you can see people who have money by the way they are dressed. They have their own weird sense of fashion though.

Kiev is a very beautiful city. At least it used to be before they started putting ugly high buildings everywhere. Like on this picture. I find this repulsive. Or is it just me?Trivia: tomorrow will be my second art auction.


  1. Its pitty you denied us man-part of your readers of this crucial information :):)
    Yeah, Kyiv is becoming a modern city ... I am not yet sure how to think about it.

  2. Hahaha, yes, the readers of my blog shouldn't expect any sex-talk from me. :D And the one who can count on it, doesn't read this blog. ;)

    I don't mind modern buildings. I just hate the fact that they refuse to do any sights planning and co-ordination whatsoever! They simply ruin all the historical sights one by one.


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