Monday, 25 May 2009

Day 2 - He, she and Jenny

We've only managed to visit one big and one small book shop today (and have a little suitcase full of books). To compensate for that we did some clothes shopping for me. ;) The theatre play (He, she and Jenny) was a total fiasco. We left after 40 minutes! (Our reservations have expired – long story – so we had to go for an alternative.)

Moscow is the capital of a very big country. It's a big city. Everything in Moscow is big: big streets, big buildings, big billboards:
The fastest way to move around in this very big city is to take the metro. If you want to move around a lot, you will spend quite some time underground. Luckily the metro stations are nicely decorated so you can have some sightseeing underground too:

We did our compulsory tour of the Red Square and surroundings and had fun making pictures: Trivia: this was the second time I have left a play before it was finished.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sasja! I had just planned to invite my best friend to watch "He, she and Jenny", but now I think, that better to refuse and consider something better...

    what was the most ugly thing you dislike in this play?


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