Sunday, 24 January 2010

I did it again

I had to do it again. I have ´no´-ed a man I like. This time I was direct, didn't try to escape, hide or pretend I don't understand what's going on. But doing it sucked. Now I am worried. I might have been too hard. I possibly lost a friend(ship). I might have misunderstood. Maybe I should have given it a chance! This drives me crazy. I'm almost through my stock of chocolate, ice-cream and Hungarian salami. I should have seen this coming, shouldn't I? I should have prevented this from happening. Could I? I should have listened when they told me... But I did! I just keep on driving circles in my head. There should be some kind of mechanism that can make me stop. Maybe I should get drunk.

I was searching YouTube for "say no" music and came across this little film on how to say 'no' and still keep your friends:

Let's see how useful it is in my situation. So the advice is:
1. Try to avoid difficult situations. - Mmm... Hmmm... How?
2. Distraction, change the subject. - Ehm...
3. Know exactly when you want to say 'no' and be definite. - Well, that's not a problem in this case, is it?
4. Say 'no', as friendly as possible, but still 'no'. - Oh, I think I forgot the friendly part. :(

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