I meet so many men at work. Business networking events consist mainly of men. I do what everyone does: shake hands, introduce myself, tell my story, listen to theirs, hand over my business card, make sure to get theirs. I meet very different people this way. Some have a nice way of presenting their company, some are funny, some have an interesting business and some simply appear to be very useful contacts. This man was memorable not because of his business (which IS interesting) or the way he presented it. It was the chemistry between us. We talked about his studies and work and business around us, but we both felt the connection and enjoyed the conversation. We could have talked about the weather for forty minutes and probably would have enjoyed the conversation just as much.
I've read each of his messages several times looking for hints and enjoying hidden signs. The more we wrote to each other, the more openhearted the questions and the answers became. Business moved to the bottom of the message becoming a weak excuse for writing until it disappeared at last.

Finally I rushed to catch my train. Three kisses, next time you're around, maybe, who knows...
Strange thing, this chemistry...
I was walking home from the station when my phone rang. Another man. He: "Hi, I missed you!" Me:"Good!"
nice story. You should be a writer, dear Sasha...