Monday, 23 April 2012


The great guessing circus has started now that everyone knows I am pregnant. Asking about the gender of the future baby is a winner, but trying to predict the gender is a good second.
“Are you nauseous? It’s a girl.”
“Do you crave savoury foods? It must be a boy.”
“Your belly is not pointy. It’s definitely a girl.”
“You look too beautiful to carry a girl. You’ll get a boy.”
“Do you think it’s a girl? Then probably it’s a girl.”
“Are you convinced it’s a girl? Then it should be a boy.”
“Low blood pressure? Girl.”
“Constipation? Boy.”

 Even though it all sounds like a load of, you know, nonsense people seem to enjoy guessing. Assuming you might like that too I set up a poll (on the right side of this blog) in which you can try your prediction skills. You can do so till May 7th. Then I expect to know the gender of the baby (if all goes well) and will publish the results. If you feel you need more information to make an educated guess, feel free to ask questions in the comments section, by e-mail, phone, in person, on Facebook or Twitter. Ready, steady, go!

 PS According to my analysis it’s a girl. The father refrains from commentary.

Melanie – Brand New Key


  1. I agree wih the father ;)

  2. Where is the option "sweet baby"?

    1. Whatever it will be, it will be sweet. That's why. :)

  3. Sandra den Brok-Stienen7 May 2012 at 13:18

    Heeeeee! Wat lees ik nu??? Gefeliciteerd! Ik denk een meisje. Maar dat betekent concreet dat het een jongen is, want ik gok het altijd precies verkeerd ;-)

  4. Kewl, congrats ;-)



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