Wednesday, 22 February 2012


The tree is gone! Yes, THE tree! My neighbours have finally gotten rid of the big evil oak that stole all the sun from my South facing garden.

For the past three summers I was fighting to get things growing in my garden. All I had was a little mint, loads of weeds and a little field of wild strawberries. The latter require no direct light. Few days ago some men came and took the oak down branch by branch. No shadow anymore. No falling leaves. No acorns. No doves. Welcome sunshine!

Oh yes I have plans for the garden. At last there will be a grass field. I will plant clematis, passionflowers, sweet peas and wisterias. There will be lilies of the valley, tulips, calendula, bluebells, asters, forget-me-nots, primrose, hyacinth, anemone, pansies, snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, gladioli, camomile, daisies, mallows, marigold, morning glory, sunflowers, violets, lilies and lavender. I will grow dill, radish, tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, squash, basil, rosemary, oregano, tarragon, parsley, pumpkin, peppers, artichoke, leek, lettuce and physalis. And of course no garden without melons, blueberries, watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, red currant and seven sorts of mint.

Can we skip March this year? Please?


  1. and of course no more travelling if you have to take care of all that.... ;-)

  2. Do you have green fingers?

  3. @jos Priorities. ;)

    @L I have endless ambition. ;)

  4. mmmm... een stuk concreterdan. I have a dream. Succes, Marcel


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