Thursday, 4 March 2010

Job hunt

I need money. One of the possible sources of money could be a paid job. So I am looking for a job. I poke around in my network and I browse through several websites. The latter is a fascinating process. Several scenarios are possible after I see a vacancy announcement:
1. I see the name of the job and decide that I don't want it.
2. I see the name of the job, read the description and decide that I don't want it.
3. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again and decide that I don't want the job.
4. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again, save it for the weekend, read it again then and decide that I don't want the job.
5. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again, save it for the weekend, read it again then, start writing a job application letter and decide that I don't want the job.
6. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again, save it for the weekend, read it again then, write the letter, come back to it some days later and decide that I don't want the job anyway.
7. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again, save it for the weekend, read it again then, write an application letter, send the letter and decide that I don't want the job.
8. I see the name of the job, read the description, print out the vacancy text, read it again, save it for the weekend, read it again then, write an application letter, send the letter, go to a job interview and decide that I don't want the job after all.
9. Start all over again.

I hope I'll find a job soon...

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