Sunday, 4 October 2009


A short summary of my weekend: John’s design apartment rocks. Mateja’s apartment is very nice too. If you have Erwan as a friend – you are very lucky. Dod is a very nice shop. Barbara is a perfect shopping partner (and a very nice person)! I have to try swing.

We went to a restaurant on Friday night and this is the bill we received -->
The food was good.

Nadia: “Kaikki valta Neuvostoliitto!”
Oodie: “?!”


  1. I don't think I will ever be able to say his name right after last Friday night. ;) Shall we think something up for Rogier, just as revenge? ;)

  2. That bill. LOL! XD Did you give a tip of was it included?

  3. The tip was not included. We gave two or three euro.


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